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We are the first Technological Development Center recognized by Minciencias in Valle del Cauca, where we develop disruptive technologies for a sustainable world, from the Scientific Research, Technological Surveillance and Competitive Intelligence, for the development of new technological products focused on the user experience.

Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico, investigación

We accompany the strategic business transformation process, helping organizations to anticipate technological changes, the future demands of their clients and facilitate cooperation and articulation schemes between academia, business and the public sector.

Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico Maquinaría

We have a research group and experts in areas such as engineering, economics and business, as well as PhD in Latin America.We are leaders in research and development of technology that formulates and executes public and private projects. 


Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico Robótica

we occupy the position


among 340 companies
in the ranking ofInnovation

Business 2022.

Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico

we have also been

selected in the study

Colombian Tech
report 2021

 as a benchmark in innovation technologies in the country.

Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico

we are the organization

#1 in the industry

according to the top of the SMEs more

innovative 2022in it

Cauca's Valley.

Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico

The first flight simulator in Colombia,organ transplant equipment, lower limb prostheses, agricultural bioreactors and the joint development of the first Colombian electric vehicle.

Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico

Own registered technological products

 and 3 internationally registered trademarks.

Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico

Surveillance Developed

and strategic intelligence in 7 years.

Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico

Approved in public investment projects and more than 80 million dollars in resources executed in 5 Latin American countries.

Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico

We are a committed team

in supporting our clients to make the best decisions.

Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico

We create strategic projects for territories and companies that transform social and environmental realities and improve the quality of life.

Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico

We constantly update

our work teams and laboratories.

Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico

We monitor current and future trends for the development of products focused on the user experience.

Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico

We provide high quality in our technology watch and competitive intelligence reports.

Value proposal

Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico
Our mission

Contribute to a sustainable world from scientific research, technological surveillance and competitive intelligence for ethe development of

new technological products.

Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico Desarrollo sostenible
Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico Inteligencia Artificial
Our vision

In 2030 we want to be recognized as one of the most important technological development organizations in Colombia with presence in the US and Europe in order to contribute to the sustainability of the planet through innovative productsand macroproject management.

We have experience in the following sources of financing:
Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico
Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico
Strategic allies:
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